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Google Merchant Center Next

How to Set Up a New Google Merchant Center Next Account - Merchant Center Mastery Video

How to Set Up a New Google Merchant Center Next Account - Merchant Center Mastery Video

10/25/19 UPDATE: Hello Facebook Agency Visitor Person!  We’re delighted to have you visit this awesome post. About a year ago, ZATO stopped offering Facebook Ads solutions so we could focus solely on what we do best: Google Ads. Because of this, we’re always interested in partnerships with great Social Advertising agencies (like yourself, wink wink!) and we offer referral fees for signed clients!  Anyway, back to it, and happy reading…

Post Summary

Just get access to the new Merchant Center UI? 

Or, perhaps you're just getting into Ecom and trying to get started on Merchant Center? 

In this video, we'll walk you through everything you need to do in order to get your Google Merchant Center Next account set up right from the beginning. As a reminder, this is for GMC NEXT which is Google's new iteration of the UI.

There are definitely things that are different from the old GMC (RIP), but we'll help you set up your new account from A-Z in this walkthrough.

Apologies: my video recording software has been fritzing out on me so I did my best to fix the issues in editing, but you will see some glitches on the screen during the video. Definitely not happy about that, and I'm looking into changing my software for future videos! Thanks for being patient with me, I do the recording, editing, and producing of everything on this channel myself!



- All righty.


Welcome, welcome, welcome


to Merchant Center

Mastery YouTube channel.


And in this video today we

are going to set up an account


with Google Merchant Center next.


So I've never done this


before, so I'm just letting

you know I've always worked in


the original Google Merchant Center UI.


This is eventually what will take place.


Google is beginning to put

most, maybe all, I'm not sure,


new Merchant Center accounts


to the new Google Merchant

Center next user interface, UI


and then some old standard


merchant center accounts have

the option to transition to


Next, to GMC Next.


I thought it might

be good for us to just walk


through this together 'cause

you might have fallen on this


video because you have learned that


as you've created an account,

you're in Merchant Center Next.


You have no idea what to do.


My hope is to walk you through this,


taking all the knowledge that I have


with the original merchant center


and kind of like thinking

through what to do here.


A couple, maybe a couple of caveats.


So one would be, I'm not gonna go into all


of the super uber-specific

details of every single setting


and every single thing that we look at.


That's what the other videos

are for in this channel.


My goal is to make these videos


not turn into like hour long

things or two hour long things.


So we're gonna, we're

gonna go through these


and walk through steps

and hit high level things


in some ways to familiarize

ourselves with the interface


as well as, you know, maybe

give you some tips of, of what


to do and, and how we're

gonna do it, right?


But, you know, there might be times,


like a good instance would be taxes.


Taxes or shipping.


We're just not gonna go into

the details of that right now.


That would take a long time.


There's lots of complicated

things that go into that.


We're just not gonna do that.


So just be aware of that


and also give me a little grace

as I try to figure this out.


I'll also, as I edit the

video, try to remove any like,


major pausing points


where I'm like, I have

no idea what to do next.


Right? I'll try to

remove that for you just


so at least it's a little seamless.


But also there might be

some times where I'm trying


to find something, I might

leave it in there just


so you can see me walk through that.


'cause that might help you

remember it in that as well.


Okay, so good to go. Let's dive in.


Let's learn Google Merchant Center next.


This is what to do if you

start an account with Google


Merchant Center next and how


to get your ecomm brand

rolling with Merchant Center.


Now as we begin, so you

did not see the first part


of this in which I simply

typed in Google Merchant Center




The search engine followed the prompts to


set up a Google Merchant Center account.


So very easy you can find that.


And then I, I, all I did

was add in my store URL


and I, maybe a name, something like that.


I, I just literally followed

like the two prompts there was,


and that's how I got to this screen.


So there you go. That's

what's already happened.


Now what we're gonna do is


we're gonna go ahead and set this up.


Like, like I said, I'm, I'm very familiar


with the original Google

Merchant Center UI,


still getting familiar with Next,


so bear with me a little bit here.


But part of what Google has been trying


to do a little better, which I kinda like,


is they've just been

making it a little easier


to follow along with what's

going on in your setup process.


So what we might do to begin with is just,


just literally follow

what they have done here,


what they've suggested and,

and see where that gets us.


And then we'll start to

get into the nitty gritty


of adding products and

things like that as well.


So let's go ahead and start.


We're gonna add in the business

address. That is my office.


That is that, those are

the ZATO offices, the ZATO


and ZATOWorks Publishing

'cause that's what this is.


ZATOWorks publishing. I might someday


actually start selling

some, some just swag


and things like that and

our books, all that stuff.


So go ahead and put this in here


and to add in my work number, (which


is very screened just in case)


we're gonna go ahead

and get that verified.


All right, so next what we

need to do is we need to verify


our, our store URL.


And so there are a number of

ways you can do that, either


with your e-commerce

platform, you might want


to use Google Tag Manager

for a variety of reasons.


I'm just going to throw a quick

HTML tag in just, I, I did


that already just to, you

know, just to make this easy.


And so we have gone ahead and verified


and claimed that that is

our store hip hip, hooray.


Now we want to do some,

some shipping things.


And here's where, like I said,


we're not gonna get

real crazy complicated.


We're just gonna start the

process to help walk you through


what we need to do.


For the sake of simplicity,


we're just gonna have all

products, like I said,


we'll do maybe more complex one later.


We might go ahead and

do, you could do carrier


or you could enter your

specific delivery times


manually based on, you know,

like to me, if, if you have,


let's say you have various

warehouses around the US


where one warehouse gets

shipped to the Midwest and


therefore it's, it's a little quicker,


you might want to adjust that.


Otherwise you can just enter that address.


Like, let's say we, we

ship out of my office here


and we, we get it right away


and we have our order cut

off by 2:00 PM obviously,


meaning if they purchase


after 2:00 PM then that's

not gonna ship out.


We're gonna go ahead and use UPS


and let's say ground is our main one


(since USPS loses everything).


And again, just for the sake,

so here's, here's where,


here's where there's, there's a little bit


of information that you can do.


You can, you can add in some

different things based upon


your carrier service so that


that can be really

interesting and helpful.


Or you can just do a flat rate.


You also can do free

shipping for orders over.


So instance, for instance, we

have a client where they have,


they have a fairly stable list of products


and they have three tiers.


I think it's like zero to $25 in price or,


or sorry, if the total order,

they arrange this according


to their A OV as well, they

have, it's like zero to 25


and then it might be like 25


to a hundred and then a hundred and up.


And then each of those get a flat rate.


So that can be a different

way. Obviously there's,


there's a number of

different ways to ship.


Just for the sake of,

of this, let's go ahead


and say we're doing free shipping.


And now we have sales tax.


This, this starts to get

pretty complex in terms


of sales tax.


So here's the deal is with

Google Merchant Center,


everything on your site

has to match the backend.


So Google's not gonna tell

you this is where you need to


add in your tax or whatever...


What they do say is this does not


match what your website is.


So if your website is charging


for sales tax in this specific

state, then then you need


to match that within

Google Merchant Center.


Now here's where it gets

very complicated, all right?


Because we've had this happen


before where we had a major issue


and we discovered that it's


'cause our client was

going to the city level


for taxes as well.


And so that the taxes was

actually more than simply


what you would put in for Google.


And so what we did, just


because obviously there's not

even an option for city taxes,


what we did is we made it, I,


I think we looked up on their site to see


what the maximum was

that they would charge.


And I think we used some Google too


and basically like what

is the highest level that


that could be charged by this

state plus you know, the,


the most expensive city, whatever it is.


And then we simply added that in


and said, Hey Google, for


(so Montana, we don't have sales tax.


Woo yay for us). But let's

just say, so Montana, if it,


if it's in sales tax, sorry,

if we're selling in Montana,


set a sales tax of 10% every time because,


and here's the thing, okay, so

earlier I said sales tax has


to match your site.


It actually has to be under.


So as long as you're

charging, or sorry, over over.


So as long as you are charging,

let's say you're charging $5


like sales tax, that's

what it comes out to.


You have to have told

them in Google Shopping.


'cause that's where this is showing,


showing in search engine

result pages, you have


to show them a number.


Basically any number higher

than five Google's okay with,


as long as it's not lower than five.


Because remember Google

is very concerned about


user experience.


And what they don't want

is for a user to see


in this search engine result

page, Hey, you charged,


or you told us it was only

gonna be $3 for shipping


and $2 for taxes and

now we land on your site


and it's $10 for shipping


and $5 for taxes, we're

really angry, right?


Google wants to avoid that.


So at the very least they

figure, hey, if someone


sees the shipping and tax and it's over


and then they land on the site,


at the very least they're

just gonna be happy.


They're gonna be like, oh cool.


It's actually less than I intended.


And that's, that's very

good. That's good to know.


Another thing to be aware of,


and this can catch you, I said

I wasn't gonna go deeply into


some of this stuff, but I

kind of am with shipping,


but it's, it's, or tax,

but it's hard not to.


Another thing with taxes, just to be aware


of is the taxable shipping.


So some stores do charge,


and I think this has to

do with states as well.


I believe some states

require you to tax shipping.


And it might be, it's been a

while since I've dug into this,


but it might be that some

states actually require you not


to charge taxes on shipping, I think.


And so like, like again,

like this is, this is where,


this is where a, a tax company like


Avalara I think.


Yeah. Do you see how kind of

complicated this starts to get?


And this, this is why having

an automated solution such as,


you know, like some people use Avalara,


some use others, right?


That's why sometimes they use it


'cause it just starts

to get really complex.


So yeah, but oh, oh but taxable shipping.


So the idea being, hey,

if you are charging,


if you are charging tax

only on your products


and then you calculate shipping


after that, then you do

not have this checked.


If you have your product

and you add shipping


and then you pull tax on both of those,


then you're taxing shipping.


You gotta make sure that this

is checked so it'll match,


otherwise it won't and

then Google will be upset.


So let's go ahead and then,


and then obviously then you

have all of these states


and you can make your adjustments


and all that, blah blah blah.


You know, like 45% or

whatever it might be.


And then you can, you

can go on from there.


So let's go ahead and we will go back.


We're gonna just say no

taxes for right now, no taxes


and now, so those were kind of the basics


and there are some other things

too that we'll look into.


But those are at least the

initial things that Google says,


Hey, this is how you get your products on


and then we will add our products.


So let's go ahead and click that.


Now what you can do here,


and again this is Google

Merchant Center next.


So this is, this is different.

So Merchant Center next.


So you have, you have some

different options for actually


syncing your, your product

data into merchant centers.


'cause remember your website,

you're selling things, all


of your product data is there.


You need to get that data in the correct


format to merchant centers.


So then Merchant Center

can connect with Google Ads


and then you can put

this into Google Shopping


and start advertising or the

free Google product listings.


So how you do that is you

need to send a product feed


to Google Merchant Center.


And there are different ways to do that.


You can, you can upload a specific file


and there are, there are different

third party services such


as DataFeedWatch, I like them.


I won't click on the ads

so I don't waste the money.


But DataFeedWatch is a

good third party service.


They're, they're relatively,

they're priced relatively well.


Feedonomics is another one


that we have used quite a bit in the past.


The only thing I'll note with

them is they're, they're,


they're definitely on

the higher end of price


and it's, it depends on what you need.


If you don't need them to do

a lot, you don't have a lot


of complexity to your,

your products, then,


then it might not be worth it.


You might wanna look into

something like DataFeedWatch.


'cause you can still do editing,


you can do bulk editing

of the product data.


'cause that's, that's part of

the thing is when your product


data comes from your, your site, then


it's, it's typically

not, it's typically not,


not only is it not optimized

for Google Merchant Center,


it's not even always in the

right shoot, what's the word?


It's not even like, I

was gonna say framework,


but it's, it's not even,


it's not even like it's

not correct alright


for Google Merchant Center.


And so what you need


to do is determine is

is actually make sure


that your data is in the correct format.


There's the word I was

looking for: "format".


It's gotta be in the

correct format, right?


So that's where some of

these product solutions,


these feed solutions come

in is they say okay, this is


what you're asking for with product type.


Here's like we'll take that


and now we'll spit out the correct format


for Google Merchant Center


and that that would be oftentimes

where you upload a file,


you can use a Google Sheets template.


This is my recommendation.


If you are a very simple small shop,


if you're a simple small shop,


well there's actually

one more recommendation,


especially if you're using Shopify,


which is really the easy button,


which most people should do.


But we'll come, we'll

get to that in a second.


Let's say like, like let's

say that I'm selling a couple


of products on my website,

like maybe I'm selling my book


and then like a mug that

I've made like a PPC mug.


Oh I was thinking I had one somewhere.


Okay, see, so here's one mug I made.


See there's the ZATOWorks publishing logo


but PPCers unite separately

in your own homes.


I like that. But this is my favorite.


Even like, you can stain it

inside and you don't even know.


So that's cool with the

black, but this is a ZATO mug


but it's "introverted but

willing to discuss PPC".


So can you tell there's

a common theme anyways,


let's say I wanna start selling those,


I could just literally create

a Google Sheets document


and you can use the template

for that and it's really handy.


I'll go ahead and sign in here. Yes.


And then it's going to make an actual,


like an actual Google

Sheets file that you can do.


So here is the Google Merchant

Center, this is the actual feed


and it's a template

which is really awesome


and it tells you, it even gives

you like helpful information


and examples of all this stuff,


which is really fantastic and cool.


So that is an option.


Like if I had like three products,


I would use a Google sheet

just to throw it up there.


You're not changing,

changing much. You know,


Google Sheets is great, I

just add products one by one.


I don't know, I guess you

could do that, you know,


and then edit it within Merchant Center.


That might be an option in the future.


I guess I'm a little old

school in in terms of like,


I actually like having a

document that I can, I can see


and adjust and change


and that I know it is, it's just one place


that I know I can go

and edit it everything


and ever edit it all in bulk and,


and all that sort of stuff.


So, and then adding

products using the API means


you are actually interfacing

directly to like,


let's say Shopify or BigCommerce, right?


So within Shopify.


So every time that product,


if something gets changed in the product


that sends like this trigger

using an app within Shopify,


we'll talk about that using an app.


But it sends this trigger

to Google to the app


and then app sends this to

Google Merchant Center saying,


hey this price changed on this product.


Like instantaneously. Whereas

these other options like the


ad products from a file that

is typically every 24 hours


and you can change that.


Yeah, yeah. You don't, you do not want it.


I mean I do not think it's good


to have it weekly, especially not monthly.


'cause that it expires

in about a month anyways.


In the old days I'm not, I

haven't heard the latest of this,


but just be aware of this in the old days


and I, I wouldn't be surprised

if it's still like this.


In the old days Google would

actually give a little bit


of like ranking benefit to

feeds that were, that feeds


that were uploaded more often


because it was fresher content.


It was fresher information.


I mean that makes a lot

of sense to me actually.


And, and so I just, I just think


that there's benefit in sending

your products, you know,


more, more often.


And that's one of the

reasons why I like the API.


And again, on that whole like

Google ranking benefit thing,


I, I don't, I don't remember if


that was a specific in a document


or if that was just told me

by a Googler at one point.


That was like one of the,

like years ago in the brain


of Kirk sort of a thing.


But it also, it also makes sense


that Google would appreciate fresh


information, fresh content.


That's kind of how Google rolls.


So kind of like, you know,

sometimes with that sort


of thing, common sense is the way to go.


So anyways, API... that's one


of the reasons I really like it is


'cause it, it just keeps things updated.


And then within Google, within Shopify


and this, this is what I

really like, I'm a big fan


of the Symprosys app.


The Symprosys shopping app.


And the reason being

it's so doggone cheap.


So if you have under, I don't

know, it's like 200 products


or something like that, it's $5 a month


where know Feedonomics

at their like base level,


they're like 300 a month I think.


They might have a cheaper

option than that now,


but so five bucks a month, right?


You're doing all of the

management yourself,


but oh here we go.


500 products. I think they

might have changed that


you're doing all the management

yourself in, in Symprosys.


But because everything is

tied directly into Shopify,


it's really like you import

everything into Shopify.


And maybe we should do a

video on Symprosys.


'cause I'm, I'm such a big fan of it,


I, I'd like to do a video.


They have a lot of their

own help videos by the way.


But you import stuff into your

apps Symprosys or another app


and so all those products go into it.


But then the apps allow

you to do different editing


of your products and that's

why I really like Symprosys


'cause you can edit a bunch

of stuff in their product type


and title and and all that sort


of thing directly within the app.


And then it gets sent in the

content API to, to Google.


So let's go ahead for the

sake of this, let's go ahead


and just use our


Google Sheets template

just for the sake of this.


Let's try this test product


test description.


I don't have a shopping cart,

I don't have anything, so,


okay, let's go ahead just

for the sake of that.


It, it's again like it's

gonna get disapproved here


but then I believe we can go through now


and give it a try.


So Google, yeah, I'm gonna

have to start changing the way


that I talk about this.


'cause like Google's

transitioning to this "data sources"


terminology rather than your

data feed, which is kind


of interesting to me actually.


But that's, that's in your

data sources section over there


used to be over here in the product


feed section if you remember that.


And then once there are products in here,


you'd actually be able to see them here


and then you'd be able to

start managing them same


as their shipping and that sort of thing.


Okay, now,


now there are gonna be a few

other businessy type things


just to look into to make sure you do


in order to set this up.


But, but overall you're

starting to get, you're starting


to get close to having things set up here.


Now one thing that I

need to do is I need to


go ahead and connect this


and sync this to sync this to Google Ads.


So we'll look through some of

that other stuff after that.


But, okay, so I'm gonna go ahead


and actually add in another one of my


main email addresses just

so that we can access this.


I am gonna go ahead and

make them an admin. Okay?


Another thing that's very

difficult to find in my opinion


is your, like you actually have


to link your Google Ads account


with your Google Merchant

Center Next account as well.


This is, this is confusing


'cause it's not really like

other Google properties


where they say things like

"linked accounts", right?


So it's actually in "manage"

in "business manager".


Manage in business manager


and that's then where you would,


where you would actually access

some of your other things.


So you can, you can, you

know, add in third party apps


or you can add in Google Ads.


So that's what we're gonna do here.


We're gonna go ahead and

link our ZATO ads account


and we'll go ahead


and they're telling you

what's being shared.


Send the link request


and then within Google

Ads I have that open.


Another tab here, I'm gonna go ahead


and go into the linked

account section of Google Ads


and I can see, hey there is


a link there and I'm

gonna say manage and link.


Now I bet if I refresh this

page it'll say connected.


Cool, there we go. Okay, so

now we have that connected


and you can add in, you know, other things


as well, kind of up to you.


What do you want to add in there?


But I imagine like, my guess

is there's gonna be more


and more things that are, that are,


that are brought into this,

especially apps over time


as Google starts putting

more into more engineering


into Google Merchant Center Next.


I wouldn't be surprised

knowing how Google works.


So right now they likely have

engineering teams dedicated


to both Merchant Center

and Merchant Center next.


And part of the way Google

works is over time eventually,


like they just start they

just basically shift their


engineering focus into


what they wanna do, like

Merchant Center next.


I wouldn't be surprised if

that happens eventually like


that, that's what happened,

you know, at one point


with like smart shopping campaigns


and Performance Max, where all


of a sudden eventually it

was like, look, we're just,


we're investing in Performance Max


eventually they killed

smart shopping campaigns.


So be expecting things to happen there.


So that's again, that was

in the people and access


and then manage and business manager.


And you do need to make

sure you do that in order


to actually send your, your

ads to Google Ads as you got,


you have to link that together.


Okay, add-ons.


So I believe this is

similar to the programs


that were in Merchant

center, the programs,


maybe there might be some differences,


but, so here would be

things like promotions so


that you can activate your promotions


and then also like custom

reports, let's go ahead


and throw that in just


because like, hey, who

doesn't like custom reports?


And then you can actually,

you know, get into that.


Maybe that's something

we'll do eventually as well


is create some of those

custom reports, Hey, look at


that, our product has shown up.


And believe it or not,

it has a lot of issues.


So that's where you'd be

able to see that.


That used to be the diagnostics tab.


Now it's this and it can

tell you what it's missing


and obviously we'll have to go in


and, you know, eventually

we'd fix that if we wanted to.


Comparison shopping services

for those who are in the EU


remember comparison shopping

that was CSS was made


because Google got sued by the EU


and so this is their way of

making a more fair auction.


So if, if you're not in

the EU United Kingdom


or Switzerland, don't

even worry about this


'cause your CSS is Google shopping.


If you're in one of those,

if you're in Europe, one


of those areas, then you

know, definitely dig into


what a CSS is.


And like there are different

comparison shopping services


that you can, you know, look into.


And there's, there's, there's

a lot to be said about that.


Mike Ryan is someone that

I've talked to a bit,


a guy named Andrew Lolk.


He's, he's a guy who's done quite a bit


with CSS and that sort of thing.


So they, they'd maybe be able


to answer questions if you have those


specifically online.


So let's look through

some of just these basic,


just the overall general account options.


'cause, so at this point

in this account, you know,


let's say those products

were actually approved,


like your account's pretty

much live at this point.


Like you can advertise, you

know, within shopping ads,


it's gonna take, you

know, it could take a day


or two for everything


to get processed into

Google Ads the first time.


You know, it could take a

couple days just to see your,


your, you know, once you do that,


process them into Google Ads


and then start, you

know, create a campaign.


Let's say you create a PMax


or a shopping campaign, then

it could take, you know,


a couple days just for

your ads to show just


because like everything is,

is, is processing through,


especially that first time.


But for the most part,

everything is good to go.


Everything, everything's rolling.


So let's look at what's on in Merchant


Center Next general account option.


So they do have product protection,


which they added into merchant center.


And that's basically what that

does is if for some reason


you, you know, that you're

never gonna have, you know,


let's say 40% of your

offers that are deleted


other than like an accident, okay?


So you know what you might,

what you might want to do


for sure, like I would

for sure turn this on


and maybe you could do something like


90% or that sort of thing.


If that's, if that's for sure.


Because if you have

products, if you have a store


where you have a whole

lot of products that


for whatever reason are coming in


or going out, you might

not want to set this


because what it does is it

actually prevents these,


these products from getting deleted


within Merchant center

if a bunch of them are,


are removed from your feed at once.


So it's kind of nice just,


just in case someone accidentally

like deletes a feed


you know, whatever, they

delete the app within Shopify,


all of your products go down.


Google Merchant Center now

has kind of a fail safe


to prevent that from happening.


But if you actually want

a bunch of your products


to be deleted out, then Google


will prevent that from happening.


So just make sure, like if you're going in


and removing half of your

products, do make sure


that you look into this

product protection option just


to make sure it's not

set at like, at like 40%


because then you know,


then it, then it wouldn't work for you.


You wouldn't actually delete anything.


So 90% just that just

kind of makes sure that


that's like an overall fail safe


that if anything like goes

down in the entire account


that all of your, if your

feed tries, you know,


goes down at all you, you're safe,


your language and time zone.


And then, okay, advanced

account setup, there's a CSS,


we talked about that advanced

account setup, this is for


like, probably the vast majority


of people are never gonna have to do this.


And so this, this would

be, I I think this would be


what they used to call

multi-client accounts


MCAs with Google Merchant Center.


So this might be if you are an

agency, you know, providing,


you know, service, I actually

don't even like using


that really frankly because

at least in the old days,


the MCA had some complexities

to it with even being,


being difficult to remove, you know,


clients from it without a Google

rep and that sort of thing.


I just like getting access directly with,


with an email access to our clients.


But you know, that might be one place


where you might want this

is if you do have kind


of a mother company and you

have like five companies under


that, that are all very related


and you want kind of one source

overall of that you could,


you know, you could create an


advanced account set up for that.


So that might be an option,


but now you know that that's there and it,


and they do say the

conversion's permanent.


So, okay, so that's, that's basically the,


oh sorry, the conversion settings.


I forgot about that. Conversion

settings I would say do turn


on auto tagging because

then you don't have


to tag for free product listings anymore.


So at one point I had written on that,


you don't have to do that anymore.


So you can do that. And

then again, like this is,


we're starting to get

into newer stuff as well


and so, you know, you might want to


create conversion source,

you can get some of


that information into merchant

center as well, similar to


what you have with Google Ads.


I'm all about, you know, more

information. So that's great.


So check into that. Now we

already looked at shipping.


Let's quick look at return. Do

add your return policy here.


So that's where you'd want your URL


and then you can give specific information


and you know, you

can walk through exactly


which one works for you.


'cause you do have to

have the right answers.


But then that's gonna

get, that's gonna get,


and then fees as well.


'cause it's a three step process here.


But that'll get the information to Google


and then they'll actually

be able to show that


in SERPs and that sort of thing.


So shipping to returns.


And then... do they show the

return stuff in SERPs.


Now I'm doubting myself, I know


that it impacts some things.


Now we get into some of

the business info things.


So you already have, you

already have your business info


there that we have that

we've already added.


Although here's what I'll say

is it looks like it's added,


go ahead and click into it.


'cause then you, you can add

in some additional things like


customer service, live chat support.


There's, they've added some things.


This is almost like a Google my Business.


You can add in some business

identity attributes.


You can add your social

profiles, that's all new.


And then adult content, whether


or not you are selling

adult content, not that,


that doesn't mean like,

like adult sized shoes.


All right, that mean, you

know, like, like lingerie,


erotic lingerie or, or

something like that.


And so let's see, and then,


and then we have the logos and colors.


So get your square and rectangular logo.


You do really need to

make sure you follow this,


otherwise Google will disapprove you


and it can kind of get annoying.


So just follow these requirements


and then you should be good.


And then you can add in the color and,


and I do like to do that.


So like, like with ZATO and

this one we might do white


and then this like teal blue thing.


And so we'd add that in there.


I'd, i'd have to grab the hex

code and that sort of thing,


but we'd get white as the main


and then that teal blue

is accent color.


And what that does is,

especially with like PMax


and as Google does more


and more with auto-generated

things, they're, they're taking


what you've given them


and then they'll, they'll

make ads that have to


that like match your brand color and,


and work in some of your product


images and things like that.


So they, you know, it kind of depends.


Sometimes they're hit or

miss on their auto generator,


but sometimes they can look really good.


And then we have checkout settings.


So you might want to consider

having a link directly


to your cart or checkout page.


I, you know, I, I have

conflicted feelings on this


and so I'll let you maybe test it,


but here are my thoughts

is that if someone is in,


if someone's searching and

they're in a search engine result


page and they see your

shopping ad and they can click


and go directly to your cart,

it just seems to me that


that's not a bad thing.


Typically, maybe if you have

a like very clear evidence


that when people purchase

from you, they have a ton


of add-ons and they really

increase AOV, maybe you want


to avoid that, but you may want

to consider, especially for


businesses where people just buy the thing


that they looked at, you

may wanna consider testing


that checkout option so that they go right


to checkout when they,

when they click on that


because that, you know, you

could just see like, does


that increase your

conversion rate or not on those?


But that's what that checkout is for.


Here are the free product

listings that Google


utilizes your products


and shows them in, in

free spots on Google.


You're almost always for

sure gonna want those


because it is just, it's just free clicks


and free money within

with old merchant center.


It was in the feed with

Merchant Center next it's here


directly and you can just throw


that stop button if you

don't want to show them


the ad campaigns.


Here's where it gets a little interesting.


Google's starting to

morph Merchant Center next


and ads together here.


I am actually not a hundred

percent sure when I,


if I would go through this, whether


or not it would allow me


to create a PMax campaign directly here.


So maybe that's something that

I'll have a better insight


for you down the road

since this is so new.


I'm a little scared to

mess with this too much


'cause I don't want to

impact my current Google


Ads campaigns and account.


So again, kind of that

interesting, Google's trying


to take a bunch of channels

and, and morph them together.


And then those promotions that we made


where I'm definitely gonna

get a video out on promotions


and then eventually we'll need

to do one just to see, hey,


are there differences between promotions


in Next as well as in

the old merchant center.


So definitely be watching for those.


And then of course we

have the, the performance


where you can get performance


and reports where you can

just basically get insights on


everything that's happened

within, within Google.


One other thing I want to

draw your attention to,


which I think is so

cool is Product Studio.


So Product Studio is, I'm gonna go ahead


and just like blow through

these. Product studio allows you


to, to create


product basically like

AI created product images.


So, you know, I could upload

an image that I wanted


and then I could say, Hey,

you know what, I want to


take this image of this mug


and I'd like to put it on,


on a life raft in the middle of the ocean.


Bam, you could do that here.


Or I want it on a snowy mountain scene.


And you could do that

snowy mountain background.


I just want it on a

white background, right?


So tons of, tons of, you

know, really interesting


information or,


or things that can be made

that I'm, I'm interested


to start playing around with more.


But now you have a little

bit of insight into,


into that, that, that's coming.


I think it's awesome and

you should know about it.


So, okay, I think those

are the big things.


That was a lot I realized,


but hopefully you have a better idea of


what Google Merchant Center

next is like, how to set it up,


how to set up an account

with Merchant Center.


Be aware that there are no feed rules


and no supplemental feeds

if you're familiar with


what those are yet in

Merchant Center next.


I have been told by Ginny

Marvin, ads liaison of,


of Google, I've been told

by her directly on Twitter


that those are coming,

they are on the roadmap


so like supplemental feeds are coming.


So we will be able


to make edits within Merchant Center


Next, which is a good thing.


It's not there yet. So

just be aware of that.


So thanks so much.


I guess we'll we'll ride this

merchant center next train


together as we learn more.


As they change, things

are gonna change in here.


So we'll just do the best

we can in the meantime


and keep learning and keep selling.


Thanks so much.


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Kirk Williams
@PPCKirk - Owner & Chief Pondering Officer

Kirk is the owner of ZATO, his Paid Search & Social PPC micro-agency of experts, and has been working in Digital Marketing since 2009. His personal motto (perhaps unhealthily so), is "let's overthink this some more."  He even wrote a book recently on philosophical PPC musings that you can check out here: Ponderings of a PPC Professional.

He has been named one of the Top 25 Most Influential PPCers in the world by PPC Hero 6 years in a row (2016-2021), has written articles for many industry publications (including Shopify, Moz, PPC Hero, Search Engine Land, and Microsoft), and is a frequent guest on digital marketing podcasts and webinars.

Kirk currently resides in Billings, MT with his wife, six children, books, Trek Bikes, Taylor guitar, and little sleep.

Kirk is an avid "discusser of marketing things" on Twitter, as well as an avid conference speaker, having traveled around the world to talk about Paid Search (especially Shopping Ads).  Kirk has booked speaking engagements in London, Dublin, Sydney, Milan, NYC, Dallas, OKC, Milwaukee, and more and has been recognized through reviews as one of the Top 10 conference presentations on more than one occasion.

You can connect with Kirk on Twitter or Linkedin.

In 2023, Kirk had the privilege of speaking at the TEDx Billings on one of his many passions, Stop the Scale: Redefining Business Success.

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